Not-for-profit Category Archive
Having the right team working with you
Having the right team working with you is critical to business success. Basically, the people on your bus (in your business), your staff, directly influences the quality of care and support you offer. That is, select the wrong people and it will affect the service you provide, your customer experience, staff morale and culture, efficiency […]
Will a budget and cash flow forecast save your business?
You may have heard accountants and other finance professionals talking about how important budgeting and managing cash flow is. The question is, will a budget and cash flow forecast save your business? Well, budgeting gives us something to aim for and consistent cash flow is what is needed in order to achieve our desired outcomes. […]
My Strategies to Improve Your Business Cash Flow
Cash flow management is crucial to business success. Without proper management a business does not know what is coming in and out or when. It cannot respond to opportunities or avert crisis promptly. So, I came up with 7 Strategies to Improve Your Business Cash Flow in 7 Days. There are quite a few things […]
5 Ways Internal Audits Empower Disability Service Providers
The message is clear for disability service providers in Australia. Empower yourself with an organisational deep clean to find and fix a wealth of potentially hidden problems. This involves assessment and documentation of multiple processes, along with full reporting on all business operations - from the inside out. Genuine quality control means there are no […]
Key Challenges for NDIS Providers
The Key Challenges for NDIS Providers Survey seeks feedback on the issues your business is facing and the challenges you have in overcoming these within your business. Common responses in previous surveys have included a lack of assistance with internal processes from government, inconsistent cash flow and spent more time on administration. Provide your feedback […]
Get the planning and monitoring right
Knowing what you want to achieve and when you are going to achieve it is critical to business. And this requires planning. What do you need to do? Firstly, identify what activities you will undertake and break these down into revenue earning or cost incurring ( or investment) and determine the time frames for each […]
Have good accounting information
Good accounting information will keep your business on track and will alert you early to any issues and enable you to make appropriate changes. A major factor to consider is the structure of your accounting system and how transaction information is captured. Remember garbage in, results in garbage out. Know what it is you want […]