Tag Archives: start up
My Strategies to Improve Your Business Cash Flow
Cash flow management is crucial to business success. Without proper management a business does not know what is coming in and out or when. It cannot respond to opportunities or avert crisis promptly. So, I came up with 7 Strategies to Improve Your Business Cash Flow in 7 Days. There are quite a few things […]
Small Business Accounting: Starting Up
Just established your business? Set up your accounting system yet? The earlier you get this done properly, the better it will be. A robust accounting system is absolutely essential for any business – big or small. It helps you keep track of your expenses, manage your finances and so much more. Bottom line, it’s all […]
10 Common Small Business Mistakes
Starting a business isn't always easy. There are so many things to think about and decisions to make; the pressure can cause you to make a poor decision that can hurt your potential for success, or at least set you back. While there isn't a fool-proof plan to reach small business startup success, there are […]